drowning dream

Dreams About Drowning: Understand the meaning & interpretation of Drowning in dreams

Nightmares are like living a horror movie. An amusing thread between real and unreal experience. For example look at a drowning dream experience. Hardly had it been any nightmare topping this in horror. Suffocation and chills wrap the dreamer even after waking. Real stuff, ain’t it

Before jumping to the interpretation and analysis lets have a brief insight into the dreaming process. What do you say readers?

How do we dream?

Dreams appear in the third cycle of our sleep called as REM. It stands for Rapid Eye Movement. Stealing its name from the nature of movement of our eye lids, REM displays the brain activity very similar to that of while we are awaken. Also it’s worth mentioning that during REM, subconscious brain tries to bring events from whole day and these are manifested in the form of dreams.

Drowning in dreams meaning:

Dreaming about yourself or someone else drowning is such a terrifying thing. It Races heart and give chills throughout the spine. Now that you already know that there is no direct meaning of dreams. They are always deciphered in context of the symbolic meanings of things in real life. Therefore, its easy to see the dream of drowning against the backdrop of symbolic meaning of drowning in real life.

It carries as unique message as much unique it is.

Drowning is a metaphorical meaning of exhaustion in life.

You might have heard people saying they are drowned in workload, emails, home chores etc.

Same is the case with dream of drowning. It can be due to your anxiety or load of a lot of work.

It can be due to extreme fear of water called hydrophobia, interfering in your dreams.

 There are several reasons for feeling like drowning in dreams. Look in the following.

Having a hard time dealing with stress?

The reason you are feeling like that amidst sleep may be because you are swamped by stresses. You are not seeing the real death , instead you are not reaching conclusive end of your efforts.

Feeling overwhelmed by emotions :

The downpour of emotions in the form of intense rush feels so suffocating at times.

This induces a feeling of drowning in the rush of emotions.

Being stuck in a situation :

If you are feeling trapped in some vicious cycle of events or circumstances, it can trigger the feelings of stifling and helplessness . you might be feeling the dense waves of pressure burdening you and drowning you.

Feeling drained :

Depletion of energy from our bodies and souls. Due to over exertion of our capacities can make us feel drained . our loaded routine or some illness can make us depleted and tired.

This can also transcribed as drowning in dreams.

A feeling of loosing control :

This is a signal of event that made you think as if you don’t have any control over your life. Such as routine taking off at a difficult course. Or someone else’s toxic behavior.

Besides control on events, drowning dream also can mean fear of losing self control. Maybe you have changed yourself to fit in the new circle and are on a brink of losing yourself.

Ever read the story ; “Dark they were and golden eyed”. Drowning dream could mean that its time to take control of your life and the decisions you make.

Feeling hopeless :

Drowning dream could mean you are failing in taking control of things are hopeless now. You are trying to catch your dream and swim but not succeeded as of yet.

Transformation :

Perhaps an aspect of your life is changing and you don’t know how to cope ?

Beware that its not in your good to resist change. We all change and its for the betterment.

Running away from a situation :

If you are drowning but are appearing on the surface of water it means you have developed a coping mechanism of running away from the situation.

Seemingly you have a lot on your plate. Maybe a toxic relationship, toxic family or friends .

Family is a greatest bliss. So are friends. But if instead of building a support system the start marginalizing you it’s a great strain on mind.

This dream indicates that you should take the control of our mind.

Conflict :

As you are struggling with water waves in dream , likewise it is possible that you might be struggling with settling a dispute with someone you care for.

Maybe you are having a dispute with your partner. Or are strangling with financial problems. don’t take stress. Solve them calmly.

Spiritual meaning of drowning dream :

If you come out alive in reality after drowning in dream this tells you to be strong because eventually all of this heck will be settled. Spiritual meanings of drowning in dream also nods towards helplessness and death. One of its interpretation are also of indications towards calm events and sound decision.

Common dreams about drowning :

dream about drowning

Dream of drowning in water :

While we are discussing dreams its synchronically translated in mind as a function of brain. Note that brain is a body of fluids. The fluid in dream that is water  can represent an emotional rush. If you feel overwhelmed by emotions and stress, it can cause the sensation of drowning in dreams.

Dream of someone drowning :

Seeing someone drowning can be an indication of your helplessness about your friend. Or your inability to save a friend. You might be willing to save your friend in real life but circumstances turns out to be non favorable. Don’t blame yourself. Pray!

Dream about saving someone from drowning :

As in real life saving someone is heroic. Likewise saving someone in dreams is a good sign too. In your mind you have an optimistic outlook of life. If the person being saved, a stranger. Possibilities are you are worried about your future.

Dream of drowning in car :

Oky. This is somewhat an after effect of some thriller movie maybe. If that’s not the case, its again, you are strangled in some kind of depression about future goals and objectives.

Dream of surviving :

We have read earlier, that the things and feelings of hope in real life carry the same connotation in dreams. Survival in dream shows your optimistic approach towards life. You sense the threats of time but at the same time you have arms open for brighter days.

You have experienced traumas but at the same time you have the power to let go hard memories. Survival is triumph amidst the trails of life. Rising and then shining against is the actual deal.

Dream of drowning child :

Sight of a child drowning and you seeing helplessly from afar is worst of nightmares. But what if you don’t have a child in reality. It can be a symbolic meaning of those responsibilities of adolescence that have forced you to abandon your childhood a bit.

You are growing and you need to grow up. Growing up and embracing the change of age is kind of emotional pressure

Dream of drowning in ocean

Ocean is vast but lonely at the same time. Ocean can safely be considered as the most lonely place of the world. After space. Watching ocean signals about your loneliness. Or maybe you have lost the one person that was always your support system.

Now may be you are finding it hard to pursue your dreams. And focus in life. Because the courage has dropped due to loneliness. Loneliness is drowning you.

Dream of drowning in sand :

This dreams portends possibility of starting life afresh after learning your lessons and overcoming the obstacles. This dream signifies the effects of self discovery and self actualization, its price in the form of drowning in abyss and then coming shining afresh as pearl from sand!

Dream of drowning in lake :

Lake is a limited and somehow stagnant reservoir of water. Same is its interpretation. Shed off your older cover to wear new set of habits. Shine amazing and rise. But for rising leaving the previous position Is necessary.

Dream of someone drowning you :

This dream Is helpful in re examining your relationships and circle. Decide which relations are fruitful and healthy and which one needs a second thought.

Drowning in a pool:

Again this could be seen in two paradigms. Are you worried about someone ? do someone needs your helping waking life ?

Or it’s the decisions and charge of life that embodies itself in the form of a person? Maybe you need to have a serious outlook about life. You should take responsibility of every action you do.

Drowning in dirty water :

Now that really is a deal. First and foremost you need to re-look into the hygiene and cleanliness of your surroundings and your thoughts as well. This is a terrific nightmare and requires an insight. Look into your spiritual life and your activities. Get a grip guys.


Had a dream drowning and couldn’t breathe?

This could be due to the condition called sleep apnea. A condition that makes it difficult to breathe. This physical issue could have triggered a dream like short of breathe and drowning like sensation.

Take aways :

Dreams have a symbolic meaning of the experiences in real life. Be it spiritual , physical or psychological. Analyze the dreams against the backdrop of these experiences. Sometimes dreams just recap ou every day life. Maybe to re look and assess the short coming. Nonetheless interpret them as positively as possible and give a meaningful meaning.

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