dreaming about mouse

  Dreaming of mouse: Understand Meaning & Interpretation of Mouse/Mice in dream

Whilst writing the  account of dreaming of mouse I was made to recall a joke sheikh asim al hakeem cracked when a netizen told him about a dream of cockroach and he told him funnily if he could use a pesticide in dream. Well that was on a lighter note.

Actually as we have discussed earlier, dreams  are a tell tale sign of what we experience in real time. And we should see them against the backdrop of our real life events. Dreams are interpreted in many ways but since they have psychoanalytical grounds therefore we can interpret them like so.

Dreams of mice/ mouse :

That’s an open fact that mice are not liked by anybody in real life. They are used in scientific experiments because of them being mammals and mimic the results as that on human (in few cases) and that’s their only use up till now. In most cases they turn out to be hazardous for human beings.

The great plague that caused the widespread calamity in many countries was carried out by mice, in the ships that were lodged at the coasts of Italy. It was then, that the mice were called , the carriers of “Black Death”.

Mice dwell secretly in corners of house hold places and getting rid of them is a hard nut to crack.

Now that we have recalled the common perception and hazards of mice infestation in our daily life, we can easily interpret the same in our dreams.

We can rely on analytical interpretation of these dreams in this article, still hints about Spiritual interpretations are stated as it is for readers to dive further from another well equipped source.

Like most of the dreams , dreams about rats and mice can represent your internal fears and insecurities about these rodents in real time. Meaning of a dream has a direct link with your setting of events in the time you are experiencing the dream. For example is you are scared of a mice infestation dwelling in your home. It is more likely to see them in dreams as well.

Is dreaming about mice good or bad :

As discussed earlier, folk tales from olden days have peddled many meanings of dreams in society. Which are subjected to change with the change in area and era. Chinese traditions see this as a symbol of wealth and abundance. Meanwhile in the west these dreams carry a negative connotations like fear and anxiety.

Therefore there I no one answer to this question. To find the meaning look into your opinion about theses creatures.

Mouse in the house meaning :

Look ! different parts of home in dream can represent different parts of your mind. Maybe noticing them in basement could bring your attention towards unconscious, hidden thoughts.

A surfaced mouse can suggest a visible emotion. Remember mouse is not an actual mouse in dream. It can be some emotion mimicking its behavior.

Even negative thoughts , pestering issue, nagging conscience, fears and anxieties, shadows and many more things can serve as the backdrop of these mice dreams.

What does It mean to see dreams of mice :

Fear and anxiety :

Mice are the source evoking fear and anxiety in real life . same feeling is encountered when watching them in dreams.

Mouse scurrying in house floor is a great source of fear in dreams as well.

Traitorous behavior:

There is an idiom as Smell a rat, which means you sense when someone has ill feelings towards you. Dreaming of mouse suggests that since a sneaky rodent give off feelings of secret ambush at food in real time, there could beb a friend plotting a covert things against you.

In fact it can be you as well , plotting sneaky attacks.

Health issues :

Rats are carriers of several diseases. They arouse the feelings of disgust and poor hygiene simultaneously.  Therefore the same feelings are represented when seeing them in dreams.

 Also if your mental health is not in good conditions you are vulnerable to such dreams.

Transformation and new beginnings :

Several mythologies represent rats as a symbol of transformation or changes in life. But again it is important to mention that it is a mythological representation and needs to be researched thoroughly.

Resistance and endurability :

Ever tried chasing a mouse ? and end up with a sneaky sound from a secret corner ?

No doubt these mice and rats have a remarkable amount of resistance and endurability.

Therefore if you are well aware of this quality of mice it is more likely that dreaming of mouse could represent your own resilience and steadfastness.

Rodents in dreams can also point towards a negative aspect of losing control over yourself and thus losing your life goals and opportunities.

Adaptability :

Ever noticed mices’s ability to chew even wood , their ability to squeeze in a very narrow place and jumping from as high as 50 m and running at the very instant.

This shows that rats are highly adaptive to the conditions they encounter.

So dreaming of mouse could represent that you should not give up easily on obstacle, instead adapt, change and rise again.

Their ability to maintain balance can also reflect in your balance of work life and other aspects of life.

Spiritual meanings of mouse dreams :

Spiritual meanings of dreaming of mouse vary from culture to culture. Every culture has their own interpretation of such dreams based on their old folklore and such stuff.

Native Americans associate mice with agility , dexterity and intelligence but with chaos at the same time.

Chinese zodiac symbol consider mice as a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Abrahamic cultures such as christian consider mouse as unclean and evil.

Celts believed they are intelligent because of the cunning ways they use to survive at sea.

Common mice and rats dream scenarios :

Mice infestation :

This can happen if you face several problems in your waking life. But definitely you can come through these problems if you preserve.

Dreaming of dead rats :

Dreaming of mouse, particularly dead mouse can be a tell tale sign of your fear in a certain situation.

But this also show that every hard situation has an end and the new beginning can be beautiful.

Dreams of rats running in house :

This can be a signal for presence of fake friends and relationship in your life.

What do brown mouse mean :

Brown mice are most common and familiar type of mouse. These are also mostly the unclean creatures. Therefore its interpretation can be assigned most  closely related to real life association with these mice.

Dreams about white mice :

White is the colour of peace and harmony. It holds the happiness and soothing sensation. Same can be implied to dreaming of mouse of white colour.

White is also a colour of patience, and bravery at the same time.

It also depicts persistence and empathy at same time. Again two contrasting traits.

Therefore we can interpret this dream like so.

Dreams about black mouse :

Mostly black coloured things in dreams are considered as bad omen . So is the case with mice.

Dreaming of mouse of black colour can be a signal of your health issues in waking life.

It can be a representative of your internal conflict and self doubt.

don’t panic guys! It can be a sign of self discipline and control over your toxic emotions.

Regulation of bad emotions is good for our practical life and this dream can be an indication of this.

Pink mouse meaning :

Since pink mouse are not real therefore dreaming of pink mouse shows your strong imagination power.

As an opportunist you can capture great chances and has a great potential of turning your dreams into reality.

mouse dream

Dream of grey rats :

Grey rats or mice represent fear or anxiety. Almost same as black mice do.

Now since grey colour is a mixture or black and white. So grey colour depicts patience and openness to new ideas as well.

Dream of catching a mouse :

We often see mice scurrying or running in dreams. As we do in real life. Dream of catching a mouse can be due to this frustrated attempt of actually catching it in real life.

Dream of mouse running :

Dream of mouse running reflect your real struggle with this issue in real life. A shadow of which is trapped in dream life.

 Also mice running around you can depict fake people in your life as well.

This could be linked with improvement in house setting etc.

Dreaming of mouse eating food :

Dreaming of mouse eating is something most predictable that teleport us into our mouse and cat cartoon era.

Nonetheless, this could be figured out by joining the links between meaning if cheese and mouse in our mind.

It can depict your ego.

Upcoming challenges about earning can be one of the meanings.

Bite of mice meaning :

Being bitten by a mouse can safely be considered as a nightmare buds!

This clearly shows that you are feeling threatened and are scared .

It can be health issues as well. We have talked about bubonic plague earlier, remember .

mouse crawling upon you :

Dreaming of mouse crawling can also be grouped with that of mouse biting.

No one liked a creepy creature crawling on ones skin. This dream also shows threat and fear looming on mind. It can be of any wrong decision or some other.

Killing mouse meaning :

As we know mice are creepy creatures with the potential to carry deadly diseases. They are associated with uncleanliness. Therefore killing a mouse in dream is also a source of happiness. As it is in real life.

Killing a mouse is linked with auspicious  positivity of conquering the obstacles and reaching the goal.

Older ( 1930s dreams books) interpretation :

  • Catching  a mouse in mousetrap means you should avoid negativity.
  • Buying a new wardrobe.
  • Winning a lottery
  • A happy marriage
  • Victory against enemy
  • Trouble and disease are some meaning according to old books.


What does a mouse symbolize ?

They symbolize your feeling of fear or shyness and timidity.

Is dreaming about mice good or bad

According to these folklore watching such dreams in summers are an omen of receiving wisdom and knowledge.

final thoughts :

To sum it up quickly, dreaming about mouse or be it any dream, it needs to be deciphered according to the context and circumstances it is taking place. Dreams are enigmatic. , mostly they nee to be looked at wit symbolic meanings for better understanding.

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