Deceased Mother Dream Meaning

Dream of deceased mother Meanings: Scenarios

Losing a mother is extremely painful for anyone and an unacceptable grief. Seeing dream of deceased mother could mean different things leading to the explanation of their appearance in our dreams.

Life and death are both very complex terms to understand. After death no one can predict what happens to the soul of the dead and sometimes we get a visit from the deceased person as well. To understand this further we may look in depth at the article;

Four Types Dream Of Deceased Mother

The four types of dreams of a deceased mother are:

  • Before Death

This type of dream could occur when your mind is subconsciously trying to prepare you for the departure of your loved ones. This type of dream can have a traumatic effect on the dream. It may also be a spiritual sign that the loved one in your dream is going to pass away soon.

  • Immediately after death

These types of dreams about your deceased mother visiting you in your dream immediately after she had died and you are still unaware of the face means that they wanted to let you know that they are not gone away but rather watching over them in another state.

 A deceased person is believed to have a high-frequency state while we humans have a low frequency in maintaining our human shape. We humans can only attain a close to high-frequency state when we are asleep so that is why we have dreams about deceased mothers visiting our dream.

  • Visitation dreams

These types of dreams are the most common among people as they experience the loss of their loved ones. Dreams about your deceased mother visiting you are very lovely and endearing. These dreams may also consist of you having happy memories with your mother and feeling the hole of emptiness filling inside of you.

  • Resolving problem dreams

This type of dream about your deceased mother may mean that you are facing some issues in your real life and are seeking guidance. The best guide for a person is always their mother who supports them without a question so if you see a dream about your deceased mother and you see yourself fighting with your mother and soon resolving it, you may understand that this is a sign that you need to solve similar problems of yours in real life.

Typical Scenarios When You Dream About Your Deceased Mother

Talking with your deceased mother

This type of dream may mean that you are now emotionally strong enough to be able to talk to your mother in your dream. It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember your conversation but the important point is that seeing a dream about your deceased mother can offer comfort and peace for you.

Going On A Journey With Your Deceased Mother

This can be a negative or warning sign if you see yourself going away with your mother. It is a sign that you are facing some troubles in real life and are thinking of escaping from the problem. You may think of this as a normal sign but it’s considered a danger when you dream about your deceased mother leading you somewhere.

Your Dead Mother Is Unhappy

This is a dream that some may experience and is a sign that you are very unhappy with your life and are facing troubles in your real life. It means you still have unresolved trauma and are not willing to let go of the fact that your mother is gone. You should know if she is unhappy in your dream then you shouldn’t feel guilt about the mistakes you made in the past. You should remember she would always forgive you and remembering her is a great way to make up for the mistakes in your past.

Your Dead Mother Dying In Your Dream

This is the most painful dream of all dreams about your deceased mother as you go through the same pain all over again. It can happen due to you getting more and more depressed in real life leading you to experience the pain all over.

Your Mom Was Resurrected

This type of dream about your deceased mother means that you are still not accepting the fact she is gone. You still have some hope that she was somehow resurrected instead. To cope with this you need help from your loved ones to move on from this grief.

Receiving Money From Your Dead Mother

This type of dream is an indication that you are in a tough time in your life going through a financial crisis. You see your mother helping you out in the pinch moment of your life and relying on your mother to help you out in your financial crisis.

Deceased Mother Dream Meaning

Why Did your Deceased Mother Appear in your Dreams?

When it comes to understanding what your dream means, there are different ways the dreams can be interpreted. To interpret your dream, the following can help you understand it.

You’re Still Grieving

There is a huge chance of seeing a dream about your deceased mother due to the grief you are still feeling from the loss of your mother. Your mind is still coping with the fact that you have lost your loved one.

You are still in the process of sorrow and grief and are slowly trying to accept the fact that your mother is gone now.

You’ve Experienced A Tragic Event

Another reason for seeing a dream about your deceased mother may be due to some tragic incident that took place in your life recently. This incident has reopened your traumatic wound of your mother’s loss and you see her as you need comfort and peace from her.

You Miss your Mom

Another reason for this type of dream is because you are missing your mother and to fill the gap of her absence your mind shows her memories to you in your dream. This type of dream may help you to cope with the loss of your mother.

Failure to Honor Your Promises

This could be another reason to see your deceased mother in your dream as you may have failed to honor your promises so now your guilt for not fulfilling the promises to your mother is now haunting your mind. This is the main reason for you to see a dream of your deceased mother.

You Need Help

It is a human instinct to run to your mother when you feel threatened or feared. When you are facing some trouble or fear in your life, your subconscious mind reminds you about your mother as an instinct in your difficult time. This is why you see your deceased mother in your dream.

She Wants to Tell You Something

In biblical meanings, seeing a deceased person in your dream may mean they want to tell you something. So seeing a dream about your deceased mother may mean that there is something she wants to let you know or there is something you want to tell her. This is why you see her trying to tell you something in your dream.

What does it mean if your deceased mother is alive in the dream?

This type of dream may occur in case you are having difficulty accepting the fact that she is gone. But in your dreams, if your deceased mother appears alive and happy then it means that she wants to let you know that she is there with you just in another state.

What does it mean to dream of being a child again and seeing your deceased Mother?

This type of dream may refer to you slipping back into your comfort memories and reminiscing about your childhood times when you had a stress-free life and it means you are missing your mother a lot. It may mean that you are still facing difficulty coping with the fact that she is now dead.

What is the spiritual meaning of seeing a deceased Mother in a dream?

 Seeing your deceased mother spiritually means your mother is still with you and is trying to contact you and let you know that she is in a better place. She wants to let you know that she is still with you and watching over you.

What is the biblical meaning of dreaming of a deceased mother?

According to bible seeing a deceased loved one means that they wants to tell you something. If they appear happy in your dream then it means they are happy and in a better place but if they are seen sad or in a troubled situation then it means their soul hasn’t found peace after death.

What does it mean to dream of your dead Mother dying again?

Seeing your mother dying again in your dream is an unbearable pain and it may be caused due to some event that has caused you to experience this trauma all over again. Seeing her dying again means you have some unresolved guilt or troubles  in real life that makes you believe they were the reason of you mother’s death.


Seeing a dream about your deceased mother can be a powerful message from your subconscious mind that you are longing a motherly figure in your life. You miss her dearly and your mind is still trying to over come the trauma.

The best way to cope up with it to slowly accept the facts that she won’t be there now and you have to stand up for yourself now.


Is dreaming about my dead mother good or bad?

Dreaming about one’s deceased loved one may be a good or a bad sign depending upon what interaction they have in the dream and what type of circumstances they are in.
Sometimes if they leave an emotional strain on your mind then it means you need to have some self-care and assistance to move on from the loss of your deceased mother. But if you see your mother and yourself being happy in your dream then it indicates that you have finally moved on from the grief of your mother.

How can I differentiate between spiritual contact and normal dreams regarding my deceased mother?

The differentiation between a spiritual contact dream and a normal dream is the feeling we get from the dream. The spiritual contact dreams feel more realistic and are close to lucid dreams compared to normal dreams.

What do I do if I get recurring nightmares about my deceased mother?

It means you have unresolved trauma and problems in your life. To cope with it, you need to let go of your guilt and try moving on from that face.

Is my dream about my deceased mother a sign that she wants to spiritually connect to me?

Yes, it means you need to realize what your deceased mother is trying to warn you about something.

What does it mean if I see my deceased mother happy with some strangers in my dream?

This type of dreams means that your mother is now reincarnated somewhere and is happy with her new family. It is a sign that you should move on from the pain of your mother’s loss.


Seeing a dream about your deceased mother can be a powerful message from your subconscious mind that you are longing a motherly figure in your life. You miss her dearly and your mind is still trying to over come the trauma.

The best way to cope up with it to slowly accept the facts that she won’t be there now and you have to stand up for yourself now.

Keep in mind that everyone interprets dreams differently, thus your interpretation of a snake dream can be specific to you. Follow your gut and look into the symbolism that most speak to you.

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