coins dream

Coin Dream Meaning: Understand Meanings & Interpretation of Dream About Coins

What do coins mean in your dreams?

Coins are used as a currency all over the world for buying products and services. Currency have a great value in today’s world. If you had a dream about coins then it means you will soon get a success of great value.

Currency is a very important thing in today’s materialistic word. Everyone wants to get it. And if you see dream about coins then it means you will soon achieve success that you want.

Coins are the currency product may be it interpret the meaning of getting wealth or may be getting of success.

 1930s Coin Dream Meaning

In 1930 people interpret the meaning of dream in a different way depending upon the type of coins or condition in which coin see in the dream. Here are some  types and conditions of coins are explained.

Gold coins : gold is the symbol of wealth. So if you see coins dream and the coin was gold coin then it means you will soon get eminent wealth in your life.

Silver coins : silver color symbolizes spiritual enhancement and if you see silver coins in your dream then it means you have to need to attach with your God.

 Copper coins : if you see coins dream and you see copper coins in your dream then it means you will get soon physical and mental healing. May be you indulge in some disease or  mental stress and after seeing this type of dream means now you will soon get alleviation.

 What does it mean when dreaming of a bag of coins?

Bag represents huge amount of something and coins represents wealth so if you see bag of coins in your dream then it means you will soon get huge amount of wealth in your life.

 What does it mean to dream of lost or stolen coins?

Coins are money and money not only represents wealth but it also represents value and importance of someone and something when you see coins dream and you saw that had lost your coins then it means that you will lost someone in your life who gives you value and respect.

Spiritual meaning of coins in a dream

Spiritually coins dream can interpret different meanings like may be you will attain new opportunity to change your life or coins also represents wealth and money so it can also means that in your real you will achieve great amount of wealth by the profit of business or by getting job in a good offer.

Biblical Meaning of Coins in Dreams

According to the biblical meaning seeing coins in a dream means soon you will get good thing in your life may be it will be a wealth or some new romantic relationships.

Coins are the unit of currency and today’s materialistic world if you have money then everyone is ready to give you respect and everyone wants to enter in your life.

Common Meanings of Dreams About Coins

  Dream of Picking Up Coins

Coins are the smallest unit of currency and if you see coins dream and you were picking up coins then it means you are taking small steps towards success in your awakening life

 Dream of Giving Coins to Someone

When you see coins dream and you were giving coins to someone then it means that in your awakening life someone is waiting for your help.

  Dreaming of Coins in Water 

Water represents nature and if you see coins dream and coins were in water then it means that means that in your awakening life you need to remain close to the nature because nature heals all your emotions and mental pains.

 Dream of Receiving Coins

When you see coins dream and you see you are receiving coins then it means that you will soon get success in your professional life may be you get huge amount of profit in your business.

 Dreaming of Counting Coins

When you count something then it means that you have importance and value of that thing and if you give importance to something then definitely that thing will give you benefit.

When you see you are counting coins than it means you have value of wealth that you have and this will give you great benefit soon.

  Dream of Old Coins

When you see coins dream and you see old coins in your dream then it means you will soon meet with your old friend because coins and wealth represent importance and value and friends also give us importance.

Other Coin Interpretation In Dreams

 Bronze Coin

The word of bronze represents in bible many and it represents god willingness so if you see bronze coins in your dream then it means your current situation of your real life is the result of god willingness and you have to accept it as it is.

 Unknown Face on Coins

When you see coins dream and you see unknown face on your coins and coins represents wealth, so it means that an unknown person will come in your life and can give you finical benefit or harm both. So be aware from unknown persons after seeing this type of coins.

  Coins Falling.

When you see coins dream and you see that you were falling your coins and coins are the representation of wealth so it means that you are slowly lost your wealth in your awakening life.

dreaming about coins

11 Coins Dream Meaning and Interpretation

1.      Your Financial Security

If you see dream about coins it means you are worried about your financial condition of your awakening life and you want to secure your future.

2.      You Lack Something In Life

If you see dream about coins it means you lack something in your means you have wish of something in your but you never afford it that is also reason of seeing coins in dream.

3.      You Want To Help Others In Need

If you see dream about coins it means you feel yourself responsible for the needs of poor people and you want to give something to the needy people but you can’t afford it.

4.      You Want To Buy Something

If you see dream about coins it can interpret that you have desire to buy something costly like Jewelry, Car or house etc. And you want to collect money for it.

5.      You’re Spending Too Much On Material Things

If you see coins dream so maybe you spend too much money on material things and you have desired to collect lots of money to fulfil your wishes.

6.      You’re Thinking Of Investing

If you see coins dream then it can also means that you want to invest in your business to grow up it and it can also means that you want to save money for strenuous situation.

7.      You Will Be Cheated On

Seeing coins in a dream can also means that you have someone in your life who is very close to you and you are very loyal with them and he or she want to get benefit of your loyalty or he/she will disturb your financial situation.

8.      You Will Have A Life-Changing Opportunity

Seeing coins in your dream can also interpret that may be in your real life you will soon get opportunity to change your life maybe you get new job soon.

9.      You Will Receive Important Things

Seeing coins in a dream can also interpret that you will soon get important thing of your life maybe it will be your life partner or may be you get a chance to enhance your current situation.

10.  It Represents Your Value

Seeing coins in a dream can represent your values or beliefs that how you want to earn money either in a positive way or in a negative way.


 What does it mean to dream of coins?

Coins are the symbol of wealth and value and it has two sides which represents our dual aspects of life and if you see coins dream then it can interpret two types of meanings because it has two sides.First meaning that we can interpret is that you may get wealth in your life very soon and the other that we can interpret is that may be you will soon get a person in your life will give you value and respect.

 What does it mean when dreaming of gold coins?

So if you see coins dream and if coin was gold coin so it means you will soon get value and great importance in your life because money gives you importance and value in society.Gold represent wealth and richness from ancient time till now and it was used as ornament of royal families in ancient times.Dream about finding coins can also interpret that you are finding someone special in your life who gives you importance and value.

 What does it mean when dreaming of finding coins?

Dream about finding coins interpret that you may soon find your someone beloved that you had lost in past and it can also interpret that you are doing hard struggle for finding highest achievement of your life.

 What does it mean when dreaming of being given coins?

If you see coins dream and you were giving coins to someone then it means that you are very kind hearted person and you are able to help someone.
This dream also means that someone is waiting for your help may be your friend or some family member, so after seeing this type of dream you have to need to check about the needs of your closest one.

 What does it mean to dream about a silver coin?

Dream about silver coins represent spiritual enhancement it means when you see this type of dream you are in the condition of instability because when a person  forgets his religion and religious activities then he feels uncomfortable.
    So after seeing this type of dream you will soon attached with your religion and will get peace of mind.


Dreams are representation of our feelings and emotions and coins represents wealth and value but in a dream coins can interpret different meanings depending upon the types of coins and it is also the representation of our wishes that how we wish to gather money in our life.

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