dream about banana

Banana Dream Meaning: Understand Interpretation of Dreaming About bananas

If one had a dream with a banana, then the interpretation of the Banana dream signifies that the dreamer has had thoughts about initiating a sexual intercourse. In women it might refer to the fact that women are affectionate. Bananas in dream Explain new business future or obsession with unprofitable activities, while bad bananas – conflicts in business.

Eat a banana: work in vain; if you don’t like bananas: no pleasure in work. Dreams about bananas underline the function of the bodily senses and may indicate that one is to confront the challenges or key choices in the sphere of relations.

What does a banana mean in your dream?

Bananas are delicious and healthy products, referring to which people often dream, and in most cases, such images are considered to be happy ones. The testicles are shaped sexually in some way and according to Freud if things look like testicles in dreams then the dream is sexually charged.

Uncover Hidden Banana Dream Meanings

Interpreting dreams according to their foods, meanings differing among Shona people Modern interpretations of the dream about fruits are associated with joy and love, and bananas are considered to be a symbol of fertility and desire. Sixty-two species of bananas currently exist, and they have tryptophan, which makes one to relax.

When you are dreaming of bananas, it might mean sexual satisfaction or a new relationship, and it associated mostly with the male’s presence because of its phallic shape. If the outside of bananas is yellow, this means that the person is happy; if it is green – there are changes, and they will enjoy something new, maybe, a new workplace.

Happiness and Gratitude

When you are dreaming about bananas, it means happiness is well established in your life. It shows that one is happy, has reasonable spending power, five children, and has a satisfying job. On the whole, it is used to express thankfulness for the present status.

Sexual Urges

Eating bananas in a dream may show your partner’s sexual interest or your longing for him/her in a case where you are separated by a long distance. Thus, the banana could symbolize their decreased focus in the dream.

Failure in Life

Sometimes, bananas symbolising in a dream may point out potential failure in some aspects of a person’s life. Nevertheless, if you still do not get it done, you will need extra time to cover for the lost hours.

Remain Optimistic

A banana dream is a kind of signal that makes you keep on trying with some hope and encourages you to have a good rest sometimes. Here we have told you that your hard work is appreciated and will be compensated in another form.


It can also relate to dreaming of being lazy and not doing anything whatsoever, like the piece of banana found in the dream. It proves that you lead an unhealthy life and have such a bad habit as procrasting, especially if you are a Perfectionist. If applicable, consider putting your choices in the hands of a professional or think about what you are doing to yourself.

Changing Attitude

According to this dream, this path you are currently on is monotonous or gets boring and this may make you want to quit. Frankly, it is a sign that you need to re-orient your attitude in some way, do not despair.

Islamic Interpretation of Dream About Banana

Despite the specific interpretations regarding banana in Islamic dream book –it also inspires the dreamer about the feelings related to wealth, pregnancy or intelligence. It may be because of the dreamer’s ethical standards or state in life, for example, to gain from desire or expand faith. To the sick it may mean deterioration in their health.

Different Scenarios Related to Dream About Banana

The general meaning concerning bananas in dream is positive, but it can be completely different depending on some details. The interpretation of different scenarios it is useful to understand your dream.

Dream About Seeing Yellow Banana in Dream

This dream is therefore a symbol of success in business and respect at the workplace due to a deserved achievement. It depicts joy or pleasure and signifies the probability of the sender being happy with what they have accomplished while the blessings remain. Employ it as a constant way of being grateful.

Dream About Banana Tree

IF you have a dream of a plant that bears bananas, this could portend that you are going to get exhausted, both physically and spiritually, by someone who is having a one-sided affair with you. This will only engulf you with frustration and you stop having hope on that particular relationship since you will have been giving all the times.

Receiving Banana in A Dream

To dream of receiving bananas from friends or from a particular person, signifies your desire to have a closer relationship with that person and the fear that such a closeness might be lost altogether. If the bananas are from some unknown person, then it may be interpreted as the way of notifying that the person Wants a new fling.

What is a dream interpretation of a banana?

Banana in dreams stands for joy in the self or in the household. A banana symbolizes love, happiness, and libido in a man. In Freud’s observation, its shape is linked to the penis and the male presence. If a man is giving a woman banana is a interpretation of wanting to have sex with her and if a woman is giving a man banana then the dream is implication her refusal.

What does it mean to dream about eating a banana?

It is pleasant to eat bananas in a dream; they indicate strength and nutrition is essential. I disagree with the idea that banana plant is just a herb, due to which it has no importance in the spiritual context, on the contrary, banana tree is considered to be the fruit of wisdom. Consequently, dreaming of eating a banana can suggest that one must accept knowledge that can help give one’s life meaning.

dream about banana

Spiritual meaning of banana in dreams

There are no changes in significance of this type of a dream throughout the years; dreaming about a banana points to sexual impotence, and a disturbance in the life of the dreamer. The mere use of it and having to say it implies that one does not find pleasure, or even happiness and is lonely. This dream can signify that a particular person that you are close with is not catering to all your needs and once they are out of your life, you will be content.

Biblical meaning of banana in dreams

If a banana is interpreted as a symbol of biblical proportions, it means that new opportunities are on the horizon; however, to realize them, one has to try and overcome the comfort zone. Some INTERPRETATIONS consider this dream to be a PROPHETIC sign of future opportunities awaiting you in the future while other INTERPRETATIONS see it as a sign that you will experience some difficulties for your future plans.

What does it mean to dream about a rotten banana?

A rotten banana in dream is an indicator that negativity and an unpleasant work assignment is on the way. Expect to be focussing a lot of time and energy on your boss in the next few weeks. Work to the maximum expected results and you could be rewarded with a better position or pay increase.

What does it mean to dream about eating a banana (for females)?

If you are a woman observing a dream of eating bananas, then it may imply the feelings towards a man who is not reciprocating the same feelings back. Reflect upon what ought to be done in one’s life and how one could solve issues that have not been solved to enhance achievement of set goals. This is a wish for affiliative communication, and it might mean the other person also feels the same way but is scared of how you will act.

What does it mean to dream of peeling a banana?

Peeling a banana in a dream means the dreamer will come across a powerful male figure; others will tend to view the dreamer as an aggressive individual who does not need the support of other people. While the options are not divided by their gender, people observe that you are muscular. For a male subject, the guideline is very simple: if you are a male, occasionally assume the female role in order to get consolation from the other sex. Curiously, do not be scared of pain because this literally means that it will be a chance to become different, to turn into another person.

What does it mean to dream of a bunch of bananas?

Interpreting dream dictionary, the dream of bunch of bananas mean that in real life you are expecting a new romantic relationship soon or the existing one is about to be brought to the new level. This indicates that if you are single, then be ready for a very serious link. If applied to any relationship, the outcome will be the creation of more peaceful and happier relations. In summary, people attach to it new hope and new chances.

What does it mean to dream about green bananas?

Dream about green bananas are associated with patience and balance. It suggests that you will need or receive advice concerning a particular project, resulting in success and monetary rewards.

What does it mean to dream about selling bananas?

It may be seen that dreams about selling bananas refer to getting participating a given line of business that is not fruitful and beneficial but rather proves to be time- and money-wasting. Employed: this could mean you have been assigned a difficult task and that you are not expected to contribute anything more than doing this task. , but selling bananas could also point to a possibly new venture.

What does it mean to dream of someone eating a banana?

Eating a banana in a dream means that you will invite a person that is close to you. If the person is unknown, it means that the individual wants affection, or to find a true love. This dream can suggest several things to the dreamer, but generally, its meaning is that the dreamer is prepared for commitment in a confidential relationship.

What does a dream about carrying bananas mean?

Caring bananas dream indicate that there can be a possibility of you having an affair or at least a good relationship in future. It could also mean that you are going to receive something fabulous and completely out of the blue.

What does a dream about buying bananas mean?

It is interpreted that if you dreamed that you bought bananas, the next several days you should be more careful. It tells people problems may arise and one should be cautious with people especially those they meet in daily life.

What does it mean to dream about unripe bananas?

In dream you eat the unripe bananas, it acts as a signal that you also stay away from men with sexually related inclinations. As for the ways, do not get into compromising scenarios because they may follow undesirable outcomes. Your current relationship is not fit for incidences of sex.

What does it mean to dream about looking at bananas?

Dreaming about bananas for sale yet you have not bought one means you will accomplish something in the near future. It may also mean a change of perception or status, which may indicate a process of planning in the business or, in a different sphere, a reflection on the further development of a love life.

What does it mean to dream about bananas growing on a plant?

Bananas growing on a plant (not a tree) in the dream indicates that the person will be worn out, disillusioned and let down in the near future courtesy someone. This can leave you with a bad feeling as per say regretting having taken that particular time and having been so drained out. However, from the viewpoint of psychology, bananas signify joy or happiness in a dream world.


Do bananas affect dreams?

However, eating them too close to bedtime can contribute to a restless night’s sleep and stimulate vivid dreams.” The fruit actually has high levels of magnesium, which relaxes muscles and calms the body and, because of that, helps you fall asleep

What is the banana symbol for?

The banana emoji, the image many of us know well, is employed on social media in a funny/joking/teasing/sexual manner or a combination of those when commenting on stimuli revealing bodies, especially women, and/ or phallus.

What does it mean when you dream about bananas in Islam?

According to the Islamic culture, if a person sees in a dream that he/she is eating bananas then certainly he/she is heading towards financial gains or simply blessings especially from an overseas rich person.


Interpreting bananas in a dream means that the state of your mind and body at the time of the dream and the future obstacles. It usually signifies improvement and achievement when it comes to monetary issues after you have constructed some helpful projects. Keep on striving in order to move past hurdles in order to accomplish your objectives.

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