Dreaming about Crocodile

Dreaming about Crocodile: Dream of Crocodile Meanings and Interpretation

Dreaming about crocodiles is a common phenomenon among people. We often see this vicious beast in a nightmare or a dream that is a message to us to be careful in the near future. These types of dreams where people would be dreaming about crocodiles can be interpreted in different ways depending on the situation you are in or the condition the crocodile is in.
To interpret these dreams about crocodiles, we will further discuss in the following article;


The crocodile itself is a vicious and merciless beast in nature. Along with its scaly and scary appearance, the crocodile itself has a decisive nature. It not only kills the prey but drags its body inside the water and drowns the prey before killing it.
In some myths, it is said that crocodiles can entrap the souls of their prey inside itself making it a pawn of evil. Crocodiles also symbolize power, flexibility, and strength with their nature and physical appearance.
In some cultures, Crocodiles are also respected greatly for their nature of decisiveness and for their strength and wisdom.

Crocodile dream meaning

Crocodiles as mentioned above are an embodiment of strength, decisiveness, and wisdom. Their dangerous nature can be a symbol of upcoming danger in the future. It is also possible that you may see a crocodile in the dream which may indicate that you are going to gain strength and authority in the near future.
Dreams about crocodiles are also associated with the threats. With their decisive nature, Crocodiles are considered to be a huge hidden threat.
The crocodile can also be a symbol of protection as it survives almost all of the environment. In many cultures, crocodiles are associated with protection and wisdom as they believe the crocodiles store the souls of their prey inside them and get stronger, so some cultures believe that crocodiles are divine animals in nature.

Dreaming about Crocodile

What is the dream interpretation of a crocodile?

Dreaming about a crocodile can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly it can be interpreted as a threat and danger coming your way in the future.

Seeing a crocodile fighting

The murky and dark water is the habitat of these beasts who have developed a high sensing mechanism to have insight and view of their prey in every direction. Seeing these creatures in a dream means several things, if you see two crocodiles fighting each other then beware, that is a bad omen but if you see someone else fighting off the crocodile then it’s a good sign.

Knowing the difference between alligators and crocodiles

If you distinguish between the crocodiles and alligators then you can know about the threats better. Alligators are known for their inactive nature of attacking humans but crocodile takes every chance to attack a human and devour their flesh. So seeing a V- mouth-shaped reptile e.g. crocodile is a danger in your dream.

Dreaming of a crocodile observing from the water:

If you see a crocodile watching you from the murky water in your dream then it is a huge bad omen and is a warning for you to be more careful with your actions in your waking life as one single mistake of yours will give the crocodile an opening to attack and devour you. But if you see yourself in the body of the crocodile then you should try to change your daily activities. Seeing yourself in the crocodile’s body is a sign that you are hyperaware and anxious in your life and your senses are at their peak resembling a crocodile.

Seeing a submerged crocodile with only its eyes and mouth visible:

This type of dream is a strong message to you. If you see a dream about a crocodile hiding in the water with only the eyes and mouth visible and you are close to the water then you should be very careful in your waking life as the killing threat is right next to you. The crocodiles only breathe out their mouth and eyes when they are just about you attack you so it means that the threat in your waking life is just about o strike you.

Two crocodiles attacking you at the same time:

When you see two crocodiles in your dream then it means that you are surrounded by deceive people in real life and are surrounded by people who are going to betray you. If you manage to fight off these crocodiles then it means that you will succeed in your life.

Dreaming about a crocodile chasing you:

Dreaming about crocodiles chasing you relates to freedom. This dream is a positive dream you are chased by the crocodile but it will lead to you getting freedom for your emotions.

Seeing a crocodile on land or water:

If you see a dream where the crocodile is on the land then it means that you are going to have good news pretty soon but if the crocodile is in the water then it means a threat is arriving soon.

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

The crocodiles are an indication of enemies and threats. Dreaming about crocodiles has a possibility that your subconscious mind has sensed a lingering threat in your waking life and is trying to make you become aware of your enemies by presenting you with these beasts in your dream.
Detailed meaning:
The crocodiles are the type of reptile species that lives on both the water and land. Dreaming about a crocodile relates to two meanings the deep emotions represented by water and the physical condition of the body represented by the land. This means that you should pay attention to both your emotions and your physical condition.
Dreaming about crocodiles also means that someone around you is plotting a threat against you or someone around you is dishonest with you. It could be anyone, your boss, your coworker, your family member, friends, or even your lover.
So be careful and pay attention to your surroundings.

How do you know it was a crocodile in the dream and not an alligator?

Both alligators and crocodiles are merciless beasts in nature but the main difference between them is their nature of attacking and not attacking first. Alligators are known to be laid back and avoid attacking humans first but the crocodiles have been known as cruel and merciless predators for centuries.
Another difference there is their physical appearance, alligators have a little U- shaped mouth while crocodiles have a V-shaped mouth. Their teeth are different as well, the alligators have a bit less pointy teeth compared to the sharp pointers of a crocodile. The alligators may indicate another meaning in your dreams and crocodiles are connected to a severe threat so it is necessary to identify these threats.

The spiritual meaning of crocodiles in dreams

Dreaming about crocodiles can have various meanings. These beasts are related to good and bad luck with their different representations.

The biblical meaning of crocodiles:

According to biblical meaning dreaming about crocodiles can be a bad sign. These animals are associated with threats and danger. Many cultural beliefs have the saying that crocodiles are protectors of hell and humanity.

Crocodiles and spiritual connections:

Crocodiles were considered Gods in Egyptian eras where they would call them the gods in water with their ruthless nature. These animals were involved in various hunts and were preyed to get eaten. They are spiritually connected to threats and strengths.
If you see a crocodile in your dream often then you should look around in your waking life and figure out whether you are getting new strengths or your subconscious mind is sensing the dangers of threats.

Crocodile in dream good or bad

Dreaming about crocodiles can be good as well as bad depending upon the circumstances you find yourself in the dream. If you see the crocodile observing you from the water then it is related to bad luck and some threat is sneaking around you but if you can defeat and fight off the crocodile then you will soon be successful in your life as you were able to fight off your fear.
These dreams can be related to the toxic people around you who use their ways with you. These types of people in your life are associated with the phrase Crocodile tears. These toxic people use their manipulative powers to manipulate and your subconscious mind is now trying to make you aware of these people.

Killing a crocodile in a dream

Killing a crocodile in your dream often associates with you killing your fear and moving on. So if you see a dream where you were able to kill this dirty thing it’s good news for you as you are able to defeat these beasts and will be successful in your life.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of an alligator or crocodile:

it is very easy to distinguish between these two reptiles as the alligators in your dreams are less aggressive and would avoid you in your dreams meanwhile crocodiles will take up any chance to attack you. Seeing a crocodile should make you more aware of the threats around you as compared to the alligators.

Escaping from crocodile in a dream

In your dream, if you are being chased by a crocodile and you manage to escape either on land or in water then it means you are now successful in escaping the cages of your emotions and are able to be free from threats in your life. If you weren’t able to escape the crocodile then it can mean that you are sucked up by the fears of your past but if the crocodile swallows you up then it can mean a new start for you.


What if we are attacked by a crocodile?

If you are attacked by a crocodile then it means that a threat is going to strike you soon. You should be careful with your actions in your waking life.

What if a crocodile bites me in a dream?

If a crocodile bites you in your dream, then it means that you are soon going to be betrayed by someone around you. The biting is the action of betrayal from someone around you.

What if I am drowned by a crocodile?

If you were attacked by a crocodile and drowned in the deep water then it is bad news. Drowning in water means that the threats around you are drowning you in the depth of your emotions.


Dreaming about crocodiles can be an indication of several threats and betrayals around you but it can also be a symbol of strength for you. If you are able to fight off the threat in your dream then it means that you have had a breakthrough in your dream.
Winning against a crocodile is a sign that you getting successful in your life and if you see the crocodiles fighting among themselves or see a crocodile observing you from your water then it means that you have a threat just around the corner for you and this dream ill be a bad dream for you.

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