SPIRITUAL MEANING of SWIMMING POOL in A DREAM: Different Types of Dream of Pool

Swimming pools represent our inner thoughts; if you see Swimming Pool in a Dream, you definitely should interpret it. Pools also indicate a person’s mental, physical, and spiritual conditions. Different types of dream pools can give you different interpretations, some of them are good and some may be a bad indication for you. This article will help you go through different scenarios and cases of dreams of a pool;


Firstly if we try to understand what the spiritual meaning of a dream of a pool is, we need to understand what a pool spiritually means, a pool filled with water is like your inner self and the depth of water means your emotions. If you see disruption in the pool then it means your inner self is in a state of chaos but if it is calm then your emotions are in a different state.

What is The Biblical Meaning of a Swimming Pool in A Dream?

According to the bible, water is an important element in our life. It is referred to our emotions in life. Water is used for many uses in Christianity, for purification of the soul, for cleansing, for praying, etc. so basically seeing a dream of a pool according to the bible means that you are trying to connect yourself with your emotions and find a better version of yourself.

What is The Spiritual Meaning of a Swimming Pool in A Dream?

Spiritually the dream of a pool means to venture and dive in your emotions. Different types of pools mean different situations and different interpretations that will be discussed further.

What Does It Foretell To Dream of A Swimming Pool Party?

A party usually indicates a gathering of people around you and if you are enjoying the party in your dream then it means that it is a good sign and you are trying to connect to people around you but if you feel left out in the party then it means you want to share emotional support with people and make new friends.



Dreams about swimming pools can be very complex sometimes and it is hard to interpret them as we tend to miss out on some important signs and situations in our dreams. With this article, you will be able to understand the dream of pools.

What is The Water Consistency in The Swimming Pool Dream?

Water consistency in a dream of a pool plays a huge role in interpreting it. If the water is thick in consistency then you should understand that your mind and inner emotions are disrupted and if you see shallow water that is still then you should understand that your inner mind is at peace and resting situation. 

What Does Dreaming of Your Own Swimming Pool Mean?

Most of the time we dream of having our pool. Dreaming of one’s pool indicates that they are trying to connect with their internal emotions.

Dream About Swimming Pool Meaning & Interpretation

The following will explain the different scenarios of a dream of pool with their meanings and interpretations.

Several Scenarios of Swimming Pool Dreams and Their Interpretation

Dream of Swimming Alone in a Pool

Dreaming of swimming alone in a pool means that you are enjoying your own company. It means you have found your inner peace. If the water is clean and clear, then you are in good fortune and health but if you are struggling to swim in a dirty pool then it means you are struggling with your nasty emotions.

Dreams about Swimming in a Pool with Someone

A dream of pool, where you are swimming with someone means that you desire this person’s company. It means you miss this person or some other memory is haunting you. If the person is someone you love then it means your subconscious mind is trying to make you reconnect with them.

Dream of Cleaning a Swimming Pool

In this case, your dream of pool cleaning can come in two ways, If you are cleaning a pool filled with people then it means you would rather focus on your work rather than enjoy with them but if you see you see yourself cleaning a pool alone then it means you are trying to distract yourself from something and trying to understand your feelings about some matters.

Dreaming About Jumping Into a Pool

Dreaming of jumping into a pool can mean that you are trying to escape the harsh reality of real life and want to enjoy your time in the pool away from everything.

Dreams of Falling Into A Pool

If you have a dream of pool where you fall in the pool then it means you are facing a very stressful time in your life. It can indicate that you were on thin ice in your real life and one single mistake had caused a slip for you and you can fail in that matter.

Dreaming of Dirty Pool Water

A dream of dirty water can indicate that your inner emotions have swelled up to be depressed and you are moving towards a negative face of your life. It is a huge warning for you to be careful.

Dreams About Swimming in A Dirty Pool

A dream of a pool where you are swimming through a dirty pool means that you are in a depressed phase in your life and you are trying to escape those nasty feelings.

Dream of Diving Into A Pool

This type of dream is also an escape from reality. Most people can’t hear the outside world, so dreaming of diving in a pool means you are escaping reality.

Dreaming of Someone Drowning in A Pool

A dream of a pool where someone drowns in a pool means it is a haunting memory of the past for you. But if it is someone alive and you see them drowning then it means a very bad sign.

Dream of You Floating in a Pool

Having a dream of floating on water means that you desire peace. Floating in a pool is a very relaxing activity so dreaming about it means you desire peace and freedom.

Dreams of Sharks in a Swimming Pool

A dream of pool in which sharks are surrounding you in the pool means some outer forces are disturbing you and you are being threatened in your waking life without any way to avoid the threats and problems. 

Dreaming About Snakes in a Pool

Seeing snakes in your dream is a very bad omen. It means you have recently been betrayed or come to a knowledge about being betrayed.

Dreams of Being at the Bottom of A Pool

Being at the bottom of the pool can also be interpreted in two ways; firstly it depends on the condition of the pool. If the pool water is clean then being underwater means that you are on a journey to finding yourself but if the water is dirty and dark then it means you are deeply submerged in depression and anxiety.


Clear water in the pool is a good sign as the pool refers to your emotions and if you see clear water then it means you are in great health and mental peace. The clear water is a reflection of your calm mind and if the water is crystal blue and clear then it means you have successfully connected to yur inner emotions and mind.


An indoor pool built inside your house can mean a good sign that you are in a good fortune condition and an indoor pool means you have good relationship with your friends, family and loved ones.

The indoor pool having clear water is a very good sign as it means you have finally able to accept yourself and your emotions are now open in an indoor pool.

If you see dark water in your pool then it could be a bad sign that your inner mind is now in a conflict and stressful state.

Empty Swimming Pool Dream Meaning

Seeing an empty pool in your dreams indicates the loneliness and emptiness in your real life. It means that you are in a state of loneliness and staring at the pool water means you are reflecting on your actions that could have caused you to be lonely in your real life.


What Does Drowning in A Swimming Pool Mean?

Drowning in your dream is a very bad omen. Drowning refers to a condition in which you are helpless and are continuously getting more and more into depression.

What Does Being Naked in A Swimming Pool Mean?

Being naked in a pool is a sign that you are dissatisfied in your dream. It means that you are in a state of nakedness and that your actions are now in the open to everyone.

What Do Blue Swimming Pools in A Dream Mean?

Seeing a blue pool means a reflection of your mind and internal emotions. The clear water means peace and your mental clarity.


Dreams about pools can vary differently in interpretations. These dreams completely depends on your mental conditions and can be affected by your emotional state.

Where clear pools indicates your healthy mental state, dreams about a dark pool can be a sign of your depression, anxiety and fears.

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