Dream about money

Dream about money meaning and interpretation

All of us desire money and at some point have a dream about money. It is our subconscious desire to have lots of money to live a carefree life. Our dreams are the true representation of our hidden desires and a dream about money can mean alot of things depending on different scenarios that are discussed in the article further

What does the dream about money mean?

Dreams can be interpreted in different ways and different dreams indicate different things. If you dream about receiving money or finding unexpected money then it means it’s a good omen. Positivity and luck are on your way. It’s a representation that you are in a positive mindset. Wealth and fortune will soon knock at your door.

These dreams are not always positive and can be negative as well. The dreams about money in which you receive the money from someone you dislike or you dream about losing money can be a negative representation of stress and financial state of your real life. They are also connected to your fear and desire of losing or getting money . These dreams are directly affected by yojr subconscious mind.

What do psychologists say about money dreams?

According to psychologists and dream analysts, dreams about money are connected to our subconscious mind. Getting money in dream is a positive sign that you will be receiving good news in future while losing or stealing money in your dream represents your fear and low morals.

These dreams can also be an indication about you receiving some sort of good news in future. If you steal money in your dream then it means your morals are low and you feel no remorse of finding your wealth and opportunities from wrong methods.

What does it spiritually mean when you dream about money

Through spiritual representation, dreams about money mean that your mind is In a positive mindset and you wish to get positivity from your everyday life. It means you are manifesting good thoughts and soon you will be receiving unexpected fortune from an unexpected source.

Dream about money

What about the amount of money in your dream?

Different amount of money in your dream represents different things as money can also be related to power and authority.  If you receive/find an abundant amount of money then it means that you have finally achieved success in your waking life, like getting recognition from your workplace or approval from your loved ones. The more amount of money you find, the more powerful and authoritive you are in your waking life.

Receiving money in a dream

Sometimes you dream about receiving money from someone. These types of dreams have different meanings depending on the person you are receiving money from.

What does dreaming of someone giving you money mean?

The dreams about receiving money can be interpreted in different ways, Some of the ways you can receive money are;


Recieving money from your mother in your dream may indicate that you are subconsciously asking help from your mother. Your dream means you need support from your mother in your life.


Receiving money from your father may mean you need support from your father but in a masculine way. It means you desire masculine authority and help from your father.


Receiving money from your siblings in your dream may indicate that you miss them and you want to improve your relationship with them. Your subconscious mind is telling you to reconcile with them and enjoy their company again.

Uncle or aunt

Dream of receiving money from your uncle or aunt may mean that you want to receive something from them. It could be possible they have taken something from you in the past that you want back but are too afraid to ask.

Boss or coworker

Recieving money from your boss or coworker may mean that you desire recognition from them. It means you want to be praised and rewarded for your efforts and hardwork at your work place.


Recieving money from your friend in your dream may mean that you want their support and love in your life. It means that you want them to support you in your hard decisions.


Receiving money from your grandparents indicates that you strongly desire love in your life. It means that you miss your grandparents and want to rework on your past relationship with them. It can also mean that you need guidance from your elders.


Receiving money from your other half can mean you want their love. You want them to reciprocate your feelings the same way you love them. It also can be an indication that you subconsciously want to depend on them.


Receiving money from your in laws in a money dream can mean that you want their recognition and support in your maritial life. It can mean you need their financial help to get by in your married life.

What does torn money in a dream mean?

Seeing a dream about money is a common phenomenon but if you see yourself finding torn money in your dream then it means that this is a warning that some extrenal force is going to ruin your opportunity.

It means you will get some sort of monetary fortune but due to some misfortune you will be left empty handed or the opportunity you are searching for is defected and will not be of any use to you.

Money dream meaning

A dream about money can be interpreted in different ways depending upon how we find the money and how much amount we find.

10 possible interpretations of dreams about money

The possible interpretation of dreams about money can be;

Dream about winning money

This type of dream about winning money means that the person is positively ensure about his capabilities and believes in himself that he can win the money with his abilities. It means that the person has the tendency to search up new opportunities and is grasping any chance of moving forward in their life.

This type of dream is a good indication that the person is in a positive mindset of moving forward in their life.

Financial concerns

A dream about money can also be interpreted as a negative impact of stress in a person’s waking life. Our unconscious desires are shown in our dreams which means that the dreamer specially unemployed person or students are facing financial crisis in their life and their desire to have money appears in their dream.

Money dreams about finding money

This type of dream could depit that you are in a way of finding self appreciation and credit for your work. If you find the money by yourself in the wallet or purse of someone you know then it means you are searching for self appreciation and credit for something.

Success and achievement

If you ever dream of finding a huge amount of money in your dream then it means that you are in a position where you have acheived a huge success. You want to show case your acheivenemt to others and your desire to show case and hunger for success is showing in your dream.

Spiritual or personal growth

  • Seeing a dream about money may also mean that you have a spiritual growth and development of yourself. It means that you have achieved something more valuable than money in your real life which is the main reason why you had a dream about money.

Dream about losing money

This type of dream like other dreams about money is also a sign of one’s mental and final state. Losing money in a dream means that person is facing financial problems in their life and are afraid of losing their financial wealth.

These type of dreams are indication of the dreamers hesitation and sit backs on grasping new opportunities in fear of losing their current position.

Changes or opportunities

Dream about money can also indicate new chamges and opportunities for you in near future. It can be a good sign for you to get new opportunities

Dream of giving away money to others

Thie type of dream about money means that you want to distribute your wealth to others. It indicates that your mind is in a positive state and you want to help people around you. It means you are in a state where you are satisfied on your present financial state and want to help others with your fortune.

Dream about someone giving you money

This type of dream refers to your unstable financial state where you want to receive money in any way possible.

It could also mean that you want praise or credit on your efforts which are not being praised. If you receive money from someone then it could also be an indication that unexpected wealth is on your way.

Depiction of regret and guilt

If you dream about money in a specific amount then it means that you are guilty or having regrets about your actions in the past. It is possible that you have unfairly taken or stolen someone’s money or opportunity and now you are guilty and having regret doing so.

Paper money dream meaning

Seeing paper money in your dream is a sigh that you have financial crisis in your life and you strongly desire monetary asset in your life. It means that you want to put more effort in your life to get more opportunities to earn paper money.


Is the dream of paper money good or bad?

Seeing a dream about paper money can be a good sign if you win the money or find it in your house but it can also mean that you lack financial assets so you desire them in your dreams.

What does it mean to dream of certain qualities of dream money?

If you see specific qualities of money in your dream, like the money is gold or in other means can indicate that you desire a specific goal in your life to attain that wealth.

What does it mean if someone gives you paper money in your dream?

If you see someone giving you paper money in your dream, it can mean that you are deficit on money in your waking life and desire money from any unknown source.


Dreams are your internal desires and seeing a dream about money means you are facing some financial crisis and desire money soon. While finding a huge amount of money in your dream could also mean that you will find fortune from an unexpected source but if you see yourself stealing someone’s money can mean you need to overlook your activities and moral values.

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