dream about killing someone

Dream About Killing Someone: What Does It Mean dream of someone killing someone

When you dream about killing someone or someone dying, it may be very unsettling, especially if you wake up and find that you were the one who killed them.

It’s normal to have worry following such a dream of killing someone, but you should remember that dreams are not real life, and an individual’s acts of hostility in a dream do not necessarily convert into real-world aggression.

Nevertheless, what does it mean to dream about murdering someone? Should you worry about it, or at least discuss it with someone? Even though it would be impossible to cover all aspect of our subconscious in one piece of writing, we will try to cover the fundamentals of psychology that underlie a dream in which we kill someone else. If you’re interested in a related topic, you can explore the meaning behind dreaming about killing a snake as well.

dream about killing someone

What Does It Mean to Dream of Killing Someone?

Dreams in which you are the murderer or the victim may indicate that you are carrying grudges from something that happened in the past.
It’s hard for you to go through the day normally since you haven’t dealt with whatever occurred to you yet and you’re feeling bad about it.

You may be experiencing problems in your waking life with the relationships you have with your parents, siblings, or partner if you have dreamed that you killed them.

It’s likely that your perspectives are different from one other’s. If so, the dream might be attempting to advise you to recognize the potential effects on your relationship and to resolve the problem before it gets out of control.

If you kill supernatural creatures in your dream, like a vampire, for example, your subconscious might be trying to tell you that the challenges you have been facing will soon end and that you will be rewarded for all of your hard work. It might also be a sign that success and good fortune are on the horizon for you.

Is the dream of killing someone good or bad?

The behavior of people usually appears in our dreams, which subsequently prompts us to reflect on our own moral qualities. It is crucial to look at everyday occurrences to determine the reason for your desire. Every day, we are frequently exposed to some level of violence. All you have to do to understand and watch for violent crime is to switch on the news.

It makes reasonable that after seeing a news report about someone killing someone else, we would think about doing the same thing. It goes without saying that various social contexts and nations will have varied levels of violence. Crime and murder in dreams are frequently connected to entirely harmless real-life events.

Psychological Connection of Dream about Killing Someone 

European researchers have looked at the relationship between murderous dreams and human psyche. Four hundred participants in all were included in the sample basket, and their dreams were examined.

According to this study, those who play violent video games right before bed get these kinds of nightmares. It was also demonstrated that these kinds of dreams frequently depict the true, unadulterated feelings of people.

Different Scenarios of Killing and What that Might Mean

Dreams of Killing a Stranger

The person you encounter in your dream represents your battle with addiction. You could be told to eat better and exercise more at this time if, for example, you think you are fat and have violent dreams.

Many of the obstacles we face in our dreams are unseen in actual life. Dreams about killing someone in a variety of ways can just be a sign that a habit needs to be broken.

Dreaming of Killing a Loved One

The desire to hurt a parent or other close family may be a sign of interpersonal issues, which is more worrisome. Again, this is not literal in the sense that it may imply that there was once miscommunication or dispute over that connection.

If you have a dream that you are killing your brother or sister, it can indicate that there are still issues in your relationship and that you should think about improving your connection going forward.

If you dream about killing your friends, it means that you’ve been going through a difficult time lately. It can only mean that going future, you have to provide them with a little bit more assistance.

Dreaming About Killing Someone You Hate

A close and intimate relationship with God is indicated by dreams about killing someone you detest. You will receive abundant rewards if you invest time and energy into a work or objective.

Everyone have certain good traits. A omen of joy, pleasure, and happiness is indicated by this dream. You are now engaged in a spiritual journey.

Dreams involving killing someone you hate might sometimes serve as a warning that your aim may not be accomplished. You’re rushing into things and approaching them carelessly or hurriedly. You don’t have the courage to speak up or take action.

Dream About Killing Someone with A Gun

In your dream, you have an unquenchable need for power if you kill someone with a pistol.

Dreams about committing a murder with a gun are symbolic of your strong desire for authority and control. The possession of a gun confers an inherent advantage upon oneself in times of crisis.

When you have a weapon like that, you can manipulate others into doing what you want them to do, which puts you in control and allows you to command them in any way you see appropriate.

Dreaming of Killing Someone with Your Bare Hands

A dream like such is actually pretty good, despite the dark tone of the sentence itself. A dream in which you kill someone with your hands suggests that turbulent times in your life are coming to an end.

It indicates that you have successfully navigated your life’s challenges and that moving on to the next, more promising stage will not come lightly. There is no doubt that this dream represents good prosperity.

Dreaming About Your Friend Killing Someone

Dreams in which your friend kills someone indicate that you are now going through an awakening. You’re looking at things more realistically. You have an increased sense of confidence. Submissions are no longer accepted. You will get much more respect if you calmly and collectedly express your opinions and ideas.

Dreams about Killing with Different Unintentional Reasons 

People murder one another of the same sort for a variety of causes. Indeed, some people could do it on purpose. However, they have several interpretations if you didn’t intend it in the dream, as seen below.

Killing someone accidentally

This dream happens when you are being teased or ridiculed in real life. Take some time to reflect about and care for yourself.

Killing someone in self defense

This is a clear indication of a situation you will face in real life and need to handle. Someone is attempting to enter your private area. Most likely, you’re searching for a feeling of comfort and safety.

Killing someone to protect family

This is a hopeful dream that demonstrates your desire to support your family members throughout their difficult times. Your family may be going through a period of financial loss or personal adversity.


What does it mean when you dream about killing someone and feeling guilty?

The person you murdered in your dream can stand in for a part of yourself or a circumstance that you feel you need to get rid of or get through. Your feeling of shame in the dream can be a sign of a moral compass or regret for deeds or ideas that contradict your ideals.

Why was I violent in my dream?

You may face, analyze, and overcome unresolved trauma and internal conflict with the aid of violent nightmares. Negatively, there may be a connection between these visions and mental illnesses including Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Thus, see a mental health expert if you experience violent dreams on a regular basis.

What does it mean if you are hurt in your dream?

This dream represents emotional suffering, openness, and hurt-avoidance anxiety. It can mean that in your waking life, you feel vulnerable or defenseless. It could also imply that you are hesitant to try new things or take chances due to fear of failing or being rejected.


The meaning of murder in a dream is heavily influenced by your emotions. If you are delighted about this, it means that you will soon fix any difficulties in your waking life. On the other side, if it generates anxiety and concern, it indicates that you have difficulties with yourself and your environment.

Committing a crime in a dream does not always mean causing harm to others around you; it can also represent underlying difficulties that you have been ignoring for a long time. When you don’t confront them, they manifest themselves in unexpected ways.

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